Honoring the World's Finest Intangible Heritage Artists: Arirang Master Designation Project

Culture Masters Opens a New Chapter for the Preservation of Humanity's Intangible Cultural Heritage

Culture Masters 승인 2024.06.07 21:53 | 최종 수정 2024.06.26 10:34 의견 0

The dream stage where the world’s finest intangible heritage artists unite, the 'Arirang Master Designation Project,' is drawing attention from around the globe. This project, organized by the non-governmental international cultural institution Culture Masters, aims to preserve humanity’s intangible cultural heritage and elevate the recognition and status of artists.

Currently, 15 Arirang Masters from 9 Countries

Already, 15 outstanding artists from Korea, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Vietnam, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkey, and India have been designated as Arirang Masters. These artists represent their countries' intangible cultural heritage and are receiving global attention for their exceptional artistry and dedicated activities.

Participating Countries Expected to Increase to Over 20 at the 4th International Advisory Board Meeting in July

This coming July, the 4th International Advisory Board (IAB) meeting will review new candidates recommended by 12 additional countries, tentatively including Azerbaijan, Canada, Peru, Mongolia, Norway, Brazil, Nepal, Iran, Botswana, Iraq, and Sri Lanka. With this expansion, the number of participating countries is expected to increase from 9 to more than 20. Interest and participation in this project are growing across different regions, including Europe, North and South America, and Africa, highlighting the global appeal and significance of the Arirang Masters initiative.

Focus on Diversity, Creativity, and Mentorship

The Arirang Master Designation Project selects one or two of the finest intangible cultural heritage artists from each country every two years. Artistic excellence, creativity and innovation, and dedication to mentorship are key selection criteria. Each country can recommend one male and one female artist. The project focuses on protecting the diverse intangible cultural heritage of the globe and passing on its value to the next generation.

Post-Selection Benefits and Global Promotion

Designated Arirang Masters receive an official designation certificate from Culture Masters and are promoted globally through the dedicated Arirang Master website and the global online newspaper, 'Arirang Culture Connect.' Additionally, award ceremonies are held by national governments or institutions, and designated artists can participate in various global collaboration projects with the support of Culture Masters.

Why Arirang Master?

The Arirang Master Designation Program celebrates outstanding artistic achievements in the field of intangible cultural heritage and aims to recognize their contributions. This project was rebranded as 'Arirang Master' to encompass a broader range of intangible cultural heritage beyond traditional music and instrument craftsmanship. This strategic shift provides a platform for artists to showcase their works and artistic talents globally, promoting international exchange.

This program aligns with the spirit of the 1980 Recommendation on the Status of Artists and the 2003 UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage. Additionally, it was designed to revitalize and perpetuate the living heritage of Arirang, a significant aspect of Korean traditional culture. Notably, this program inherits the spirit of the UNESCO Arirang Prize, which was awarded multiple times by UNESCO and the Government of the Republic of Korea in the early 2000s.

Inaugurated in April 2023, this initiative led to the designation of Arirang Masters by the International Advisory Board. These designations serve to recognize outstanding individuals in the field of intangible cultural heritage and contribute to its promotion and preservation on a global scale.

Culture Masters: A Non-Governmental Cultural Organization for Public Good

Culture Masters, with its International Advisory Board comprising top cultural experts from 15 countries, is a non-governmental international cultural organization dedicated to the public good. It focuses on preserving each country's important intangible cultural heritage and discovering exceptional artists. Moving forward, it aims to collaborate with Arirang Masters and their communities, functioning as a platform for artists and cultural communities to develop various content. When available, it will coordinate relevant events such as performances, exhibitions, forums, and festivals, thereby enhancing the visibility of intangible heritage artists and supporting creative artistic activities.

Promoting a Culture of Peace and Peace-Building Initiatives

On May 17, 2024, Culture Masters declared an urgent call for safeguarding heritage for peace, supported by its International Advisory Board. In a world plagued by conflict and turmoil, this initiative aims to address the challenges posed by armed conflicts and wars, recognizing the critical role of intangible cultural heritage in promoting harmony and understanding. Backed by cultural experts of the International Advisory Board, Culture Masters embarks on a mission to engage conflicted countries and artists, fostering reconciliation and global impact through cultural exchange.

The 'Emergency Consensus for Building a Culture of Peace' statement emphasizes that the protection of intangible cultural heritage contributes to promoting peace. Culture Masters will organize joint invitation programs, including the Arirang Master Designation, cultural content co-development, and joint performances targeting conflicted countries. By integrating artists from these areas into the Arirang Master program and encouraging collaboration among conflicting parties, the initiative aims to foster reconciliation through cultural heritage.

Through these efforts, Culture Masters seeks to assist countries and regions in conflict to reconcile through their unique and traditional cultures. The support and cooperation of UNESCO, international organizations, governments, cultural institutes, businesses, artists, and cultural communities are crucial for the success of these peace-building endeavors. Culture Masters hopes that promoting a culture of peace will have a positive impact globally, fostering mutual growth and development toward shared goals.

A Platform for Cultural Cooperation and Peace

The Arirang Master Project seeks to spread a culture of peace through global cultural cooperation. We look forward to the interest and participation of many to preserve and develop each country's intangible cultural heritage.


- Phone: +82 32 526 3350 +82 10 7114 9508

- Email: culturemasters.1@gmail.com

- Website: Culture Masters(http://culturemasters.org)

Global Online Newspaper: Arirang Culture Connect(http://arirangculture.news)

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