The Silent Call for Peace in Ivan Ciro Palomino’s Art

- A Follow-up to our Feature on the "Conciencia/Awareness" Exhibition in Seoul

Editorial Board 승인 2024.09.25 16:03 | 최종 수정 2024.09.25 16:06 의견 0

In continuing our exploration of Ivan Ciro Palomino’s powerful work, this article focuses on one of the most poignant themes in his art: peace. Palomino’s creations resonate with a deep and silent call for harmony, portraying the struggles, traumas, and hopes that define the human experience of conflict. In our previous article, we introduced readers to the "Conciencia/Awareness" exhibition in Seoul, where Palomino’s art conveyed themes of war, climate change, and human rights. Today, we revisit that same exhibit, with a more concentrated look at the artist’s portrayal of peace as a universal aspiration.

Ivan Ciro Palomino

Visual Poetry: The Culture of Peace in Art

Ivan Ciro Palomino’s art transcends the boundaries of language and culture, offering a visual narrative that reflects the shared yearning for peace across the world. His work captures not just the devastation of conflict, but also the healing process that follows. Through a palette of soft yet evocative imagery, he creates what can only be described as visual poetry—a medium that speaks directly to the heart. In his hands, peace becomes an active and living ideal, one that demands empathy, understanding, and action from all of us.

While our initial feature on Palomino’s work provided a broad overview of his themes, we wanted readers to experience his artistic taste in its purest form, focusing first on these high and noble ideals. His portrayal of peace, in particular, is both delicate and powerful, urging viewers to reflect on the ongoing pursuit of harmony in a world often torn by division.

Although we are working with photos from the exhibition and his webpages that may not fully convey the intricacies of Palomino’s art, we believe the essence of his message is still clear. His art speaks for itself, regardless of the image quality, as it invites viewers to reflect on the deeper meaning behind each brushstroke.

Through this follow-up article, we hope readers will continue to connect with Ivan Ciro Palomino’s silent yet profound call for peace—a call that reminds us of our collective responsibility to foster understanding and unity in our divided world.

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