Follow-Up Report on Climate Change Initiatives [24-06]

Hye-Jin Lee 승인 2024.06.26 14:02 | 최종 수정 2024.08.03 22:40 의견 0
Incheon Diocese Office of Korea located on Bakmun-ro, Dong-gu, Incheon Metropolitan City.

The severity of climate change is increasing daily, prompting a global response to combat its effects. This article follows our previous report on climate change initiatives and focuses on promoting exemplary practical cases from civil society. We will introduce the commendable environmental protection activities led by the Catholic Diocese of Incheon under the leadership of Bishop Shin-Cheol Jeong, in South Korea, alongside the voluntary practices of its believers.

Green Environmental Catechism

The Incheon Diocese emphasizes a doctrinal approach to environmental protection. This approach provides concrete guidelines for actions that believers can practice daily and encourages them to consider environmental protection as an act of faith. The main points are as follows:

1. **Preservation of Creation Order**: All living beings are God's creations, and preserving them is an important practice of faith. Believers should lead efforts to respect and preserve the order of creation.

2. **Environmental Justice**: Environmental issues are directly linked to social justice, with the poor being disproportionately affected. Believers should strive to realize environmental justice.

3. **Sustainable Living**: It is important not to waste resources and to consume sustainably. Believers should save energy in their daily lives and practice reuse and recycling.

4. **Common Home**: Earth is a common home for all living beings. Believers should work to protect it and ensure a clean environment for future generations.

Practical Living Guidelines

The Incheon Diocese has outlined practical living guidelines to encourage believers to participate actively in environmental protection. Here are the Green Environmental Practices for June 2024:

Reducing Single-Use Items: Avoid using disposable cups, straws, and plastic bags, and opt for reusable products instead.

Practicing Recycling: Diligently separate and recycle paper, plastic, glass, and metal to promote recycling.

Saving Energy: Reduce unnecessary electricity usage and choose energy-efficient products.

Through these practical guidelines, the Incheon Diocese is leading the charge in climate change response, with active participation from its members. We hope that more individuals will join these efforts by following this month's practices.

For the time being, we plan to introduce the Green Environmental Catechism being conducted by the Incheon Catholic Diocese once a month.

Special acknowledgment of support

We sincerely thank Father Pascal Hong-Young Lee of Sangok-dong Church, who has always kindly and earnestly delivered environmental catechesis after every Mass. Thanks to him, our team has been greatly inspired to pursue projects addressing climate change. Additionally, we extend our gratitude to Nun Beatrice Kim Incho for providing us with materials despite her busy schedule and to Choir Director Cecilia Sister Han Mira for willingly handling communications.

Call for Reader Participation

Our publication aims to highlight practical exemplary cases from various civic organizations. Our publication will continue to seek out and highlight such exemplary cases to contribute to the fight against climate change.


This article was written by reporter Hye-Jin Lee. The importance of addressing climate change and the efforts of the Incheon Diocese should be widely recognized to encourage more people to participate in environmental protection.

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