In the framework of the invitation by Etnosoi! festival in Helsinki held from October 31 to November 15, Dr. Johanni Curtet brought our record 'An Anthology of Mongolian Khöömii / Une Anthologie du khöömii mongol' at he wonderful Maailman musiikin keskus / Global Music Centre. Preserving more than 20 000 records from all over the world, this place is part of the world music section of the Finland National Archive.
Following the inscription of Mongolian Traditional Art of Khöömei* on the Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity in 2010, Routes Nomades Association, promoter of Mongolian culture and music in the West, that participated in the elaboration of the nomination dossier of this inscription, has created the first anthology on Mongolian khöömii. The project aims to promote and disseminate the knowledge on Mongolian khöömii worldwide, strengthen the inheritance link between the old and young generation and foster the exchange and interaction between the stakeholders in khöömii studies.Presenting the contemporaneity of the tradition of Mongolian khöömii, Anthology of Mongolian Khöömii is significant on promoting cultural diversity in today’s global society.
Our tool for khöömii transmission is now in Helsinki!